Thursday, June 2, 2011

things i love thursdays

I thought I would fancy things up around here and do my very own tilt this week! Here we go...

family. I ventured up north to Mukilteo to visit my family after quite a few months without seeing them. Its a chaotic house with 5 children and 3 dogs but my mama and papa are still truckin. As cliche as it sounds I never want to take my family for granted.

doves. Last summer I was fortunate enough to foster and adopt two special needs ringneck doves from a avian rescue in Albany, OR. Earlier this spring I became a grandmother to that beautiful baby up there who still remains unnamed. (we refer to him/her as Baby Dove.) The other two are named Cyndi Lauper and Freddie Mercury.

my hairbrush. About a year ago I bought this really amazing BASS brush that is made out of bamboo (even the bristles!) and ZOMG it is really amazing. My hair gets really wild and tangly and I haven't had a bristle break on me yet. I love the look and feel of this brush and highly recommend it.

until next time my fellow fingernails-

peace <3 & (A)-

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