Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Day 12: Oldies but Goodies

Lately I have been pulling out some old pieces of clothing and jewelry for the summer to mix things up a bit. Its amazing how some of my clothes from 8 years ago are still quite fashionable. I tend to hold on to a lot of clothes and jewelry just in case. Sometimes it makes me feel like a hoarder but it makes my closet seem like a treasure chest!

Do you keep old clothes, re-purpose them or are you never caught dead in the same outfit twice? Hope you are all having a great summer- I am!

Peace <3 & (A)-


  1. What a pretty dress! i love that one.

  2. I agree. NEVER EVER get rid of any clothes EVER. You will live to regret. A Hard-earned, hard-learned lesson.

  3. Summer cute dress, love the pattern! And I never throw clothes away, just re-wear them with different items to create a new look =) xoxo
