Friday, June 29, 2012

Instagram Recap

1. New addition to the family 2. Opal being studious
3. Low-carbing it 4. Still not summer in Corvallis
5. Farmer's Market 6. I graduated!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I am a graduate

So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I finally graduated college. It only took me four years but it seemed like it took forever!On the other hand though, it feels like my parents just dropped me off at my dorm freshman year. 
A lot has happened these past four years and I definitely have grown a lot, but unlike a lot of people I have encountered, I am still the same person I have always been...just improved in some ways. For example, my style has evolved but I still wear a lot of the same clothes from 4+ years ago, and I have started my family.
The day before commencement ceremony I had a bit of a panic attack, still not knowing what I will be doing the rest of my life. There is a lot of pressure to have a career lined up right after you graduate, but the truth is it doesn't always work that way. I am slowly learning to live up to my own standards, not everyone else's. Like Michelle Obama said, who spoke at our graduation, "define success on your own terms" and while I still have big plans for myself, I can take it at my own pace, and be happy!

 I am not pregnant, my gown is just super unflattering! 
 Me and my sisters.

last image via opb 


Peace <3 & (A)-

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Revamp & Hike

Hello all!

I am back in action. Not only is it summer time, but I have graduated from college! School was getting so hectic that I completely abandoned my blog in favor of research papers. Well, not in favor, but I had to get it done. It feels great to be back now that I am done with school, and now I can focus on things I love again! Adventures, crafting and blogging!

You may also notice the blog's face-lift and new name! The original title of the blog (the oBitchuaries) was a reflection of the blog in that I bitched a lot; it was more like a newspaper column. However, now that I've really got a hold of this whole blog thing I decided that the name Lefties are Lovers is a better representation of not only the content but where I am at in my life.

SO. Here we go! (again) And I promise, I vow, that I am here to stay. I have time on my hands and I am going to use it to my fullest.

Yesterday Sean, Opal and I went on a a little (long) hike up Bald Hill in the Philomath area. Hiking is one of my favorite summer activities. Here are some pictures I took on the hike::

Heading to the main path.

 Getting on the main trail.

 Have you ever wondered what these things are? I learned that they are a reaction the leaf creates when wasps lay their eggs on them!
 View from the top.
 This is where we stopped for a little snack.

 Sean munching on a vegan burrito.
One of the best signs I have ever seen!

Hikes are amazing. But don't forget your sunscreen and water bottle! I am so excited to be blogging again you guys! Also, I'm looking for some new blogs to read so please leave a link to yours so I can check it out. Spread the love!

Peace <3 & (A)-