Sunday, January 15, 2012

A winter day in an itchy sweater!

This day my boy and I went out with our baby Opal for some fun in the winter sun! It hasn't been sunny in Corvallis in weeks and this day we needed to get out and take advantage of that vitamin D. This wasn't really supposed to be an "outfit post" (Im not a fan of those) but I kind of posed like it was one!

I don't know if you've ever heard the phrase "put a bird on it" but that basically is the running motto of my life. haha Portlandia. I feel like mother nature when there's a bird in my hair! All I did was take a bird and nest decoration from the craft store and hot-glue them to a piece of felt, and then glue that to an over-sized bobby-pin, and VOILA! you look like a crazy lady!

Peace <3 & (A)-