Thursday, June 30, 2011
Summer Day 10: Here Kitty Kitty
margery stewart baxter. Okay its really a boy cat and his name is really Diego, but doesn't he look like a Margery? This neighborhood cat is one of my few feline friends ( I dont like cats) and oh boy doesn't he/she look terrific with his/her summer haircut!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 9: My Boy

meet my best friend. Sean is an amazing friend boyfriend and person in general. He cooks, loves animals, is uber creative and a million other things. It is really amazing to be able to live with and share my life with such a caring and responsible person. I have had so much trouble trusting people in the past and surrounding myself with mautre people. Its the little things about him that I love. He has a full time job. He has a car (and a drivers licence). He surprises me with little things that make me smile. He makes me think cliche things! Which I never do! Sean built a bike for me and crafts with me. He loves tattoos and all things steampunk. So many things I could say... but most importantly we are both so so happy and alive.
Sean has taught me that things will always get better. When you are feeling down, even in your darkest moments things will get better. Together we drive each other to be successful and passionate with our education, our jobs, careers, art. I have never been so motivated and happy and driven. Sometimes people loose themselves in relationships, but in some cases you are able to find yourself, so stay positive, push through and keep your eyes open for that special person that will make you shine, glow and spew happy rainbow glittery things!
Peace <3 & (A)- Chey
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Summer Day 8: These are a few of my favorite things.
leopard-print denim cutoffs- Hot Topic
hamms cycling cap- Peak Sports
neff beanie- Zumiez
Peace <3 & (A)-
Monday, June 27, 2011
Summer Day 7: Collections
lazy monday. Although it is a nice summer day outside I'm feeling a little tired and down today. The Boy has to work and I hate being without him. For me it is an inside kind of day so I thought I would share with you all a few of my mini-collections.
I love curios and finding animal bones. I have skulls of all kinds and even a full bird skeleton. What are some odd things you like to collect?
Peace <3 & (A)-
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Summer Day 5: Fixie Complete
finished. My boy and I finally finished building our bikes! I am so thrilled with how it all came together. Looking at all the parts and compnents in a heap of plastic wrappers and grease, I did not think my bike would come out looking and riding as good as it does!
Thank you Sean for all your hard work! A bushel and a peck Dove!
Happy summer and bike adventures to all!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer Day 4: Radio
radio. I love being a DJ at KBVR FM, Oregon State University's college station. Music is a huge part of my life and playing tunes at the station is a great outlet for creativity and inspiration. Im heading into the station later tonight! Listen live anytime at!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Summer Day 3: Run it out
Good evening all. Today is the 5th day in a row I have gone jogging! I am pretty proud of myself considering I hate exercising.
Peace ♥ & (A)-
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Summer Day 2: Craft
angry bird plush.I was feeling a bit crafty a while ago and decided to play off of my love of Angry Birds and make this little sucker.
I'm not going to go all tutorial on you but basically what I did was follow a ball pattern for the body, inverted it and filled it with batting (I sewed the whole thing by hand), two triangles for the beak, and basically winged (no pun intended) the feathers at the head and tail. Sewing the beak on was the hardest part honestly, it was hard keeping it in place while sewing it onto the spherical body.
And I ran out of red thread in the process!
Anyhew, I am no professional crafter AT ALL so it looks a little homemade, but I like it and so does my sister whom I gave it to. My next project is one of the pigs!
Summer craft'n is fun!
Peace ♥ & (A) -
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Summer: Day 1
So I decided to take a picture every day this summer to capture the essence of my summer in Corvallis Oregon! Seeing as today is the first day of summer here we go......
my bike. Still working on my project bike. Slowly but surely. My boy is doing most of the work- Im just overseeing the color scheme and aesthetic aspects of it ;] When it is finished it will be a single speed road bike! Cant wait til I can ride it!
Enjoy your summer everyone!
Peace <3 & (A)-
my bike. Still working on my project bike. Slowly but surely. My boy is doing most of the work- Im just overseeing the color scheme and aesthetic aspects of it ;] When it is finished it will be a single speed road bike! Cant wait til I can ride it!
Enjoy your summer everyone!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Sunday, June 12, 2011
In Seattle, be back Wednesday!
Cant wait to share some great Seattle adventure time you!
In the mean time make sure you follow MLL!
Do it. Now. I'll luvs yous forevers!
drawing by lillysteele on deviantArt
Friday, June 10, 2011
Work it:Casual Friday
A lonely grey Friday afternoon. Not only is the weather yucky outside today, but my boy had to go into work early, leaving me to get pictures of my casual Friday outfit and go thrifting all by my lonesome.
I really wanted to wear these shoes today, but after stepping outside and seeing the crumby weather I promptly went back in and changed into flats. Sigh. Sun come soon!
Isn't this jacket awesome! It is Jordache denim jacket from the 90's I found at Red Light Vintage a few years back, and I only pull it out when I am in a certain mood. I could wear it everyday but I don't want to take the risk of getting burnt out on it. Do you ever have an item you could wear daily but save as a special piece?
I really wanted to wear these shoes today, but after stepping outside and seeing the crumby weather I promptly went back in and changed into flats. Sigh. Sun come soon!
Isn't this jacket awesome! It is Jordache denim jacket from the 90's I found at Red Light Vintage a few years back, and I only pull it out when I am in a certain mood. I could wear it everyday but I don't want to take the risk of getting burnt out on it. Do you ever have an item you could wear daily but save as a special piece?
Jacket: Jordache
Jeans: Old Navy
V-Neck: Old Navy
Wedges: Guess
Peace, <3 & (A)-
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My very second TilT! School and finals are over, that means more time for blogging, crafting and adventures!
Here we go!
peanut butter chocolate pillows- After hearing about Kaylah of The Dainty Squid raving about these vegan delights I had to make them. Thank you to The PPK for these and all your amazing vegan recipes! Mine turned out pretty big; I wasn't expecting them to rise and spread out as much as they did- a little goes a long way with these suckers! Also, the wax paper was important- the dough gets really sticky.
dark cycle clothing- One of my all time favorite Etsy shops! This husband/wife duo makes the most unique t-shirts with animals riding bicycles and other wheeled apparatuses (and other awesome shirts). I bought one for my boy- a wolf riding a fixie. Go check them out. NOW!
bambi riverbelle- This is my baby girl. She means the world to me. Bambi just turned 5 years old at the end of May- shes getting so old!
cafe yumm!- This is my go-to food. Brown rice, black beans, shredded cheese, tomatoes, black olives, salsa, avacoado, sour cream all topped of with the tangy-delicious Yumm! Sauce. AND for you vegans- they can hook you up. 'Nuf Said.
Hope you are all having a good week everyone! Keep up the good blogging!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Here we go!
peanut butter chocolate pillows- After hearing about Kaylah of The Dainty Squid raving about these vegan delights I had to make them. Thank you to The PPK for these and all your amazing vegan recipes! Mine turned out pretty big; I wasn't expecting them to rise and spread out as much as they did- a little goes a long way with these suckers! Also, the wax paper was important- the dough gets really sticky.
dark cycle clothing- One of my all time favorite Etsy shops! This husband/wife duo makes the most unique t-shirts with animals riding bicycles and other wheeled apparatuses (and other awesome shirts). I bought one for my boy- a wolf riding a fixie. Go check them out. NOW!
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via dark cycle clothing |
bambi riverbelle- This is my baby girl. She means the world to me. Bambi just turned 5 years old at the end of May- shes getting so old!
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via preppyinportland |
Hope you are all having a good week everyone! Keep up the good blogging!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Monday (Monday)
So I saw this About Me ABC post over at ♥elycia's blog and thought it would be fun. Thats all there is to it!
A. Age: 20
B. Bed size: Queen! Tempurpedic. Magic. It is one of my most prized possessions. Seriously worth every penny.
C. Chore that you hate: Dishes. I do them all evening at work and then get home and do them. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend that helps with them a lot. Also cleaning the dove’s cage. It huge and they crap a lot.
D. Dogs: I have a Chihuahua named Bambi, an my family dogs; an Akita-lab mix named Dylan, and Jessy, our german sheppard chow mix.
E. Essential start to your day: Teeth brushing and a kiss from my boy.
F. Favourite color: Red
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'2.5
I. Instruments you play: A little Bass and that’s about it!
J. Job title: Prep cook/ dishwasher. Productions Manager at KBVR FM.
K. Kids: Are really cool. I have 5 little siblings and I maybe want to adopt someday.
L. Live: Corvallis, OR for school, Seattle when I finish.
M. Mother's name: Suzanne Ruth.
N. Nicknames: Chey, Chey-Chey (pronounced SHY).
O. Overnight hospital stays: One.
P. Pet peeve: So many. Leaving the sponge in the kitchen sink. Not putting things away where they belong.
Q. Quote from a movie: "I love the powerglove…..its so bad.”
R. Right or left handed: Lefties are lovers.
S. Siblings: Five younger!
T. Time you wake up: Depends on when class is. Usually around 7:30.
U. Underwear: Covers your bum! (Sometimes!)
V. Vegetable you hate: Eggplant
W. What makes you run late: Slow people I’m with- I am always early.
X. X-Rays you've had: Teeth, head, stomach, chest. A lot.
Y. Yummy food that you make: The best chicken parmesan both real chicken and vegetarian, you will ever have. I also make kick ass vegan cookies.
Z. Zoo animal: Ostriches.
B. Bed size: Queen! Tempurpedic. Magic. It is one of my most prized possessions. Seriously worth every penny.
C. Chore that you hate: Dishes. I do them all evening at work and then get home and do them. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend that helps with them a lot. Also cleaning the dove’s cage. It huge and they crap a lot.
D. Dogs: I have a Chihuahua named Bambi, an my family dogs; an Akita-lab mix named Dylan, and Jessy, our german sheppard chow mix.
E. Essential start to your day: Teeth brushing and a kiss from my boy.
F. Favourite color: Red
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'2.5
I. Instruments you play: A little Bass and that’s about it!
J. Job title: Prep cook/ dishwasher. Productions Manager at KBVR FM.
K. Kids: Are really cool. I have 5 little siblings and I maybe want to adopt someday.
L. Live: Corvallis, OR for school, Seattle when I finish.
M. Mother's name: Suzanne Ruth.
N. Nicknames: Chey, Chey-Chey (pronounced SHY).
O. Overnight hospital stays: One.
P. Pet peeve: So many. Leaving the sponge in the kitchen sink. Not putting things away where they belong.
Q. Quote from a movie: "I love the powerglove…..its so bad.”
R. Right or left handed: Lefties are lovers.
S. Siblings: Five younger!
T. Time you wake up: Depends on when class is. Usually around 7:30.
U. Underwear: Covers your bum! (Sometimes!)
V. Vegetable you hate: Eggplant
W. What makes you run late: Slow people I’m with- I am always early.
X. X-Rays you've had: Teeth, head, stomach, chest. A lot.
Y. Yummy food that you make: The best chicken parmesan both real chicken and vegetarian, you will ever have. I also make kick ass vegan cookies.
Z. Zoo animal: Ostriches.
Happy Monday!
Peace <3 & (A)-
Thursday, June 2, 2011
things i love thursdays
I thought I would fancy things up around here and do my very own tilt this week! Here we go...
family. I ventured up north to Mukilteo to visit my family after quite a few months without seeing them. Its a chaotic house with 5 children and 3 dogs but my mama and papa are still truckin. As cliche as it sounds I never want to take my family for granted.

doves. Last summer I was fortunate enough to foster and adopt two special needs ringneck doves from a avian rescue in Albany, OR. Earlier this spring I became a grandmother to that beautiful baby up there who still remains unnamed. (we refer to him/her as Baby Dove.) The other two are named Cyndi Lauper and Freddie Mercury.

my hairbrush. About a year ago I bought this really amazing BASS brush that is made out of bamboo (even the bristles!) and ZOMG it is really amazing. My hair gets really wild and tangly and I haven't had a bristle break on me yet. I love the look and feel of this brush and highly recommend it.
until next time my fellow fingernails-
peace <3 & (A)-

doves. Last summer I was fortunate enough to foster and adopt two special needs ringneck doves from a avian rescue in Albany, OR. Earlier this spring I became a grandmother to that beautiful baby up there who still remains unnamed. (we refer to him/her as Baby Dove.) The other two are named Cyndi Lauper and Freddie Mercury.
my hairbrush. About a year ago I bought this really amazing BASS brush that is made out of bamboo (even the bristles!) and ZOMG it is really amazing. My hair gets really wild and tangly and I haven't had a bristle break on me yet. I love the look and feel of this brush and highly recommend it.
until next time my fellow fingernails-
peace <3 & (A)-
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Work It: Current Trends I HATE

1. TOMS- Why do I hate such a charitable company you ask? Because I am not a fan of any bandwagon trend that pressures someone to buy a product! People tell me I need a pair of TOMS. I dont give in to fashion trends because it is what everyone else is doing. Call me a mean-spirited party pooper but TOMS make your feet look square and stumpy. If you didnt know what TOMS were and saw someone on the street wearing them chances are you would think to yourself "what a hobo shoe!"

2. FEATHER HAIR EXTENSIONS- I love Ke$sha. She has been wearing feathers in her hair for years now. I collect found feathers and when my doves molt I will pick a fancy one and yes on occasion I would wear it in my hair. A year ago (before I heard of the now so popular feather extensions) thought I was being semi-original as I saw no one else with a bluejay feather in their hair around town. Now days I cant leave home without seeing a girl playing with the damned thing in her hair (also while sporting her glittery TOMS).
Also, these feathers are not synthetic. So vegans beware as they come from roosters. Now I looked into this and could not find how they are harvested or how the roosters are treated in this process but I am very curious to know: are the roosters suffering for a girl's need to fit in with the crowd? If anyone has any credible (with sources) info on how feathers are "harvested" please let inquiring minds know.
Im done bitching. For now.
Peace <3 & (A)-
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