This is a picture of him when he was three days old (hes a lot bigger now now that hes three weeks old!) I say 'he' but I really don't know the sex yet- so its also nameless. We have just been calling it baby.
Soon I will post some more current pictures- Baby now has feathers and makes cute peeping noises! Birds grow amazingly fast.
It hatched on March 11th and Boy did such a great job taking care of it (and my other doves) while I was away at Disneyland for spring break!
Speaking of which- I have been away at Disneyland for spring break- hence my absence from everywhere on the internet. I look lots of fun pictures though and I cannot wait to put them up here.
And also, my internet at my house is on hiatus- another bump in the road- but should be back up and running by Friday!
Whirlwind; this life is.
Peace, Love & (A)-