Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day in the Life: Mukilteo Beach

The first week of my summer vacation has come and gone and I already feel like I've done an entire summer's worth of shit! Recently returned from my parents house up in Mukilteo Washington and my favorite thing to do up there is go to the beach. The small rocky beach has helped me through a lot of rough times and I just go there to reawaken my senses and have some peaceful creative me-time. Its also a time where I like to replenish my sea-glass stock!

The scenery there is absolutely amazing; from the ferries, the dock, baby seals, graveyard, the lighthouse, the sunsets and view of Whidbey Island, it is one of the only reasons I like to return to that little town.

I went with my sister Nicole and my Baby Bambi (pictured below) but I usually go by myself. In my opinion, it is good to have a special spot that you go to alone for some spiritual wellness and rejuvenation. It doesn't have to be a sprawling beautiful place; down here at University I have just a small cherry tree, probably insignificant to most but it makes me feel calm. Really, go out and find a special spot if you don't have one already.

Peace <3 & (A)-

ps- I would love to gain more follwers and readu your comments!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Its a matter of opinion: Fur v. Leather

I personally hate fur that is not on animals. Yet sometimes I feel like the biggest hypocrate because I wear my fair share of leather. And what about my down comforter and pillows? While I will not go out and start wearing fur because they are all the same and I am already apart of this gross slaughtering of animals, I dont think I will stop buying leather bags and shoes either. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about this.

- The Vegitarian Society has some interesting facts about clothing from animal products.

- I think this is great: will accept old fur clothing donations and gives them to the humane society which uses the fur to warm and comfort abandoned and injured wildlife. What a a great idea.

1.what the difference is between wearing fur and wearing leather. Or is there one? 2.What about the versatility of leather (i.e. shoes, other wares)?
3.What about down feathers? Cashmere?
4.Who decides where the line should be drawn and what is acceptable versus what is not?
I would like comments and opinions on your thoughts!

Friday, June 4, 2010

doggie style

I really love ridiculous & cute dogs.

So I know that its technically a fox but how fugging cute?! courtesy of ( &Fennec fox byfloridapfe )
Bison! Brit found this somewhere. Best dog ever.

SKELEDOG! Tim Flach Photography

and this is my baby girl Bambi....sleeping on the dining room table.

Now I feel like I should go dye my cat purple. Don't worry. I won't really!

Peace <3 & (A)- Chey

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

in the beginning

In the beginning there were journals and newspapers in which only certain distributors could create context. Today we have come to live in a world of all-inclusive ever-changing multi-faceted interactive new media. Everyone becomes a supplier of information, be it needed or not. Over the years I have come to be one of those girls that is constantly surfing blogs and such and obsessing over the kitschy and indie bloggers that are so sweet fashionable crafty and so god damned mod!

More or less, I still follow these girls yet have been striving for something more than fashion and craft diy's from some trendy graphic designer.

This is where I come in. If I have one thing to contribute to the internet, world wide web and culture that has come to be known as new media, it will be my unique voice, opinion, style and adventures. I would like this blog to cohesively collage my life while also sparking interests of possible readers with something that makes them think.

Until later my fellow fingernails.

Peace <3 & (A)-