The first week of my summer vacation has come and gone and I already feel like I've done an entire summer's worth of shit! Recently returned from my parents house up in Mukilteo Washington and my favorite thing to do up there is go to the beach. The small rocky beach has helped me through a lot of rough times and I just go there to reawaken my senses and have some peaceful creative me-time. Its also a time where I like to replenish my sea-glass stock!
The scenery there is absolutely amazing; from the ferries, the dock, baby seals, graveyard, the lighthouse, the sunsets and view of Whidbey Island, it is one of the only reasons I like to return to that little town.
I went with my sister Nicole and my Baby Bambi (pictured below) but I usually go by myself. In my opinion, it is good to have a special spot that you go to alone for some spiritual wellness and rejuvenation. It doesn't have to be a sprawling beautiful place; down here at University I have just a small cherry tree, probably insignificant to most but it makes me feel calm. Really, go out and find a special spot if you don't have one already.

Peace <3 & (A)-
ps- I would love to gain more follwers and readu your comments!